sex – Page 3 – In Real Life
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When they don’t want to use a condom – Michelle

Listen to a personal experience of being asked to have sex without a condom. What reasons did they give? Was there pressure? What did they do? Also what practical advice would they give to someone in this situation?



Sex for the first time – Hone

Listen to personal experiences about having sex for the first time. What was it like? How did they feel when it happened? How do they feel about it now?



Sex for the first time – Michelle

We interview people in the street to hear their personal experiences about having sex for the first time. HOw did it happen? How did they feel when it happened? How do they feel about it now?



First time break-up – Stefano

Young people tell their personal experiences of breaking up with someone for the first time. What was it like being dumped? How did they feel when it happened? How do they feel about it now?


First time break-up – Hone

Young people tell their personal experiences of breaking up with someone for the first time. What was it like being dumped? How did they feel when it happened? How do they feel about it now?


5 things about porn that are pure fiction.

From sex that lasts for hours to the idea that it’s totally easy the first time (err, ouch), porn paints a pretty unrealistic picture of what goes on when it comes to sexual encounters.

Here, we break down the top five sex myths spun by porn films and hopefully learn a thing or two about what sex in real life is really all about.

Everyone climaxes every time

Contrary to popular belief, people don’t orgasm every single time they have sex – seriously, science proves it. For over a third of women, vaginal sex isn’t always a sure-fire way to orgasm. This can also vary depending on their sexual orientation. Research has found that lesbians climax more than hetero or bisexual women.

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Sex for the first time – Stefano

Stories of breaking up with someone for the first time. What was it like being dumped? How did they feel? How do they feel about it now? What advice can they give for when it happens to you?